ANANDAM hipoallergén öblítő cseresznyevirág - OTHER

ANANDAM hypoallergenic fabric softener cherry blossom

Sale priceFt4.200HUF Regular priceFt4.999HUF
Save 16%
Product Description

aromatic scent, biodegradable, contains natural active ingredients

Cherry Blossom Fabric Softener is inspired by the cherry blossoms blooming in April.

Musk, vanilla and patchouli surround and highlight the cherry blossom scent with velvety delicacy, awakening your senses just like spring does with the blossoms of the cherry trees.


Fabric softener is an excellent choice because:

  • provides a long-lasting fragrance experience that remains even after using a dryer;
  • gives your clothes a velvety softness;
  • if you rinse your delicate clothes by hand, you don't have to worry, our fabric softener will be gentle on your skin;
  • you can use it for both hand and machine washing;
  • makes ironing clothes easier;
  • contains natural fragrance;
  • does not contain dyes or preservatives.

It does not burden the environment, because:

  • contains natural ingredients;
  • does not pollute our living waters, it biodegrades well;
  • The packaging can be recycled with little energy investment.


Dosage for machine washing for 4-5 kg ​​of textiles 40 ml
For hand washing 15 ml

The scent of our fabric softener was created by perfumers, which creates a magical effect on your clothes. White musk and vanilla surround and highlight the scent of cherry blossom with velvety delicacy, which gives your clothes a scent of delicacy, tenderness, romance and purity.


5-15% cationic surfactants; fragrances

Other ingredients: citric acid

Safety warnings:

Keep out of reach of children.
szállítási ikonok

Frequently Asked Questions

The new generation of green cleaning products

Less water

We use only recycled water for our cleaning products and concentrates!

Less plastic

Virgin plastic? Who needs it?! We encourage the use and reuse of recycled plastic bottles.

Less CO2

The transportation and use of concentrates results in a much smaller CO2 footprint.

How can a cleaning product be recycled?

This is a question people often ask when I explain what CYCLE is all about. "Recycle everything" isn't just marketing blah blah, it's really what we do: recycled water and recycled organic acids - that's all we need to make non-toxic, sustainable, yet hellishly effective cleaning products. Let's join forces to change the way consumers think and save our planet.

Sunny Bhasin, Founder and CEO



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Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Istvánné Varga
Anandam hipoallergén öblítő

Jó puha tőle a ruha és nagyon jó cseresznyevirág illata van.

Éva Kapásné Kovács
