Many people mistakenly believe that if a product is natural, it is also environmentally conscious. However, this is not the case. But then what could be the difference?
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Our previous blog post already revealed the huge difference between products with recycled labels. After all, which product is more environmentally conscious? The product whose packaging is a recycled PET bottle, while the contents of the bottle were created through environmental pollution? Or the product whose packaging is not only recycled, but also the contents themselves?
Similarly, products containing natural ingredients may be beneficial for our health, but they can also harm the environment. Therefore, it is not enough to just look for natural products, it is good to also pay attention to the ecological footprint of the things we use every day!
A good example of environmental awareness is the use of recycled ingredients. When a product is not made from new raw materials, but from materials that are considered “waste” to others, they are reprocessed and used to produce something valuable. This brings us to a very important concept: the natural cycle.
What do we call a natural cycle?
The English word recycle better expresses and encompasses what recycling means: a circular process. How is this possible?
We were taught about the cycle of nature when we were in elementary school. For example, during the water cycle, the water surface covering 70% of our planet's surface heats up and begins to evaporate due to the energy of the Sun. The water enters the atmosphere and forms clouds, then returns to our oceans as precipitation. A smaller part falls on land, where it returns to the seas through rivers. In other words, 98% of rainwater is in a constant cycle. Only 2% of it is the amount of water that can infiltrate the soil and nourish plants. Plants and animals use and then release the water, which also returns to the cycle.

Let's talk a little about CYCLE

The "CYCLE "
The “CYCLE” cycle does not take away, but gives to our environment
The plants used as raw materials for plant-based cleaning products take away farmland from food production or create land for it through deforestation. They deplete the mineral content of farmland, significantly drain finite freshwater resources through irrigation, and pollute the air through the mechanical processing and transportation of plants.