A petkalózok is CYCLE-lel gazdagodtak a IV. Bodrogi PET Kupán - CYCLE Öko tisztítószerek

Pet pirates also got CYCLE at the 4th Bodrogi PET Cup

The 4th Bodrogi PET Cup was not only about waste collection, but also about the power of environmentalists and the community in action. And this year, CYCLE joined this super team, so we gave 48 CYCLE Starter Kits to the participants of this year's Bodrogi PET Cup to reward the heroes, i.e. the pet pirates. We distributed the donation in such a way that it reached all the placed boats and the members of the Bodrog Hőse team.

This donation not only celebrates the success of the competition, but also a commitment to an eco-friendly lifestyle. We are committed to sustainability and environmental protection. In addition, our mission is to create opportunities for everyone to use eco-friendly cleaning products that not only protect our own health, but also the planet.

CYCLE household cleaners not only clean effectively, but are also made using a revolutionary process. The products that CYCLE offers do not contain toxic ingredients and are made from recycled and natural raw materials. These products protect both the environment and human health. The process used to produce our cleaners extracts eco-acids from excess sludge from biological wastewater treatment plants, which is considered waste. Thanks to this, we also reduce the environmental burden and pollution.

PET Cup – the power of collaboration

The Bodrogi PET Cup was an event about collaboration, community work and environmental protection. The competitors collected waste from the floodplain for four days, and the result was a record, as they collected 11 tons of waste, which is almost 2,500 bags of garbage. This year, the cup was organized for the fourth time, where twice as many teams and participants set off compared to last year - a total of ten teams and about two hundred participants - to clean up the Bodrogi from waste. At the opening of the event, it was emphasized that the PET Cup activities perfectly correspond to the mission of circular economy, as sixty percent of the waste extracted from the rivers is recycled.

This year's event winners:

  1. Placed: BarlangÁszok team
  2. Placed: Rowing-SÖK team
  3. Placed: Erste Green team

+ Heroes of Bodrog: Rowing-SÖK team

+ Bodrog's Eternal Hero: László Szatmári


PET cup gift CYCLE starter pack


We dare to dream

CYCLE not only cleans, but also changes. Our dream is to produce bottles for CYCLE products from PET Cup waste collected by pet thieves in the future. We strive to be at the forefront not only in the production of environmentally friendly products, but also in the field of the circular economy. The common message of CYCLE and PET Cup is simple: Let's act for our future and a more livable environment! Join the CYCLE movement on our social media platforms and let's do something together for our environment!